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Justice, according to natural law or right, specifically: freedom from bias or favoritism.

Everyone Invested in Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Culture.

Assume you are privileged versus not. Listening with empathy is the most powerful way to ignite allyship and be cognizant of your biases.”

- James Nicholas Kinney

Who is this certification for?

Executives, managers, and employees, regardless of department or industry. Immediately applicable for day-to-day use at work to support any organization.

What do you get with Equify?

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1. Audio course

(Under 2 hours, start and stop)

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2. Certification

(Valid for 1 year)

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3. Quarterly ongoing support via town hall meeting

(Legal updates, continuing education, open format Q+A)

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  1. Introduction

  2. Defining Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Culture (DEIC)

  3. The business case and what everyone needs to know

  4. How unconscious bias prevents you from success in hiring, promotions, pay equity, and more

  5. The legal case for DEIC, including preventing toxic work environments and microaggressions

  6. Thriving with DEIC through your talent pipelines and hiring 

  7. Allyship across teams, departments, and your organization

  8. Building remarkable programs and policies to support Diversity 

  9. Emotional intelligence and its role in Culture and Diversity

  10. Defining and understanding your personal investment in DEIC  


Who is the certification for? Employees, managers, and executives. Any employee at any level in any department

How was the certification designed? Equify is a moderate-level certification that is designed to give everyone a highly effective baseline knowledge for effective communication and planning ability across your organization. 

Is there a guarantee of success? It is difficult to say without knowing the learning abilities of each person who takes the course. However, due to the simple audio nature of the course and supplemental materials, we are confident everyone will discover meaningful and practical takeaways. 

Where is the certification valid? Based on the legal framework of Labor and Employment, Equify is valid in the USA and any state in America. We suggest adding your certification to Linkedin accounts, company websites, and resumes as appropriate. 

Who is the course certified by? Six Figure Jobs, Inc., an audio education company dedicated to workplace innovation.

“You can’t be effective with anything related to diversity if you don’t focus on your culture first.”

- James Nicholas Kinney

 Equify your organization now. Allow your executives, managers, and employees to be on the same page with diversity.

Equify is brought to you by Six Figure Jobs Inc. All rights reserved. The Equify course and certification are intended to be a guide and recommendation on diversity, equity, inclusion and culture. The certification is based off of 17 years of professional experience but is not intended to be an absolute must do or strict guideline. Six Figure Jobs nor its founder, officers or employees are attorneys. Before taking action on a specific diversity or HR plan please consult internal human resources at your company or a licensed labor and employment attorney in your respective state.